Svet slavnih

Princ Harry pojasnil, zakaj z Meghan potrebujeta zasebne lete

4. 9. 2019; 21.00
Avtor: J.P.
princ Harry

Princ Harry foto: Profimedia

Kritike so dosegle tudi njuna ušesa.

Sussekška sta se zaradi petih zasebnih poletov v 11 dneh znašla v nemilosti javnosti. Zakonca namreč pogosto svarita pred podnebnimi spremembami, letala pa ne predstavljajo ravno »zelenega« načina prevoza.

Princ Harry je včeraj na Nizozemsko letel s komercialnim letom. Tako je bil v mesecu dni v zraku vsaj petkrat, je pa to bil njegovi prvi let v tem obdobju, ki ni bil zaseben. Tam je danes spregovoril o pobudi, na kateri je delal tri leta, v okviru katere je združil nekatere »potovalne velikane«, kot so, Skycanncer, CTrip in TripAdvisor. Travalyst, kot se imenuje projekt, bo stremel k temu, da turizem na dolgi rok skupnostim doprinese več, da bodo te v zameno bo skrbele za svoje destinacije.

Vojvoda Sussekški se je dotaknil tudi prej omenjenih očitkov. Tako je med drugim dejal, da bi se vsi lahko bolj potrudili in da so zasebni leti za večjo varnost njegove družine.

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We are excited to announce the launch of ‘Travalyst’, a global initiative striving to change the impact of travel, for good. Partnering alongside key travel industry giants @Bookingcom, #Ctrip, @Skyscanner, @TripAdvisor and @Visa_US, our aim is to spark a movement to transform the future of travel, putting communities at the heart of the solution. We believe in the power and importance of travel. We also have a shared responsibility to our planet and to each other. • “I want to start with a little bit of background as to specifically why I’m here today, because as you may know, I am not a tourism or business expert, but through my travels I have observed the unique relationship between community and environment, and have noticed something alarming. There wasn’t the symbiosis or connection there needed to be and I wanted to understand why. I am one of those people fortunate enough to have a platform and I want to use it to tackle hard problems, in the hope of finding solutions…and that’s how Travalyst was born” - The Duke of Sussex The name #Travalyst comes from The Duke and partners viewing our role in sustainable travel as catalysts to accelerate positive changes in travel. Travel + catalyst = Travalyst #Travalyst aims to make travel more sustainable, to help protect destinations and benefit communities long into the future, and to enable consumers to make more environmental friendly choices whilst traveling. The Duke of Sussex, having invited the founding partners to start the conversation, believes that the organisations - with operations in nearly every country, hundreds of millions of customers that use their products every day, and business relationships around the world - have sufficient influence and the critical mass necessary to catalyse real system change in the travel industry, for the benefit of destinations, communities and ecosystems. To discover more about the new initiative, visit

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on

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